Special: Hu Ge and his projects


This blog seems to not cover Hu Ge’s project very much and that’s too bad because he is a great actor! I am a fan of him since his great performance as Guo Jing in Legend of the Condor Heroes. Anyhow, he does have a few projects coming up so I thought it would be good to cover them.

Nirvana on Fire 琅琊榜


Nirvana on Fire is a drama he filmed in 2014 where he will be co-starring with Liu Tao. This drama seems really well done so let’s hope it will get an official air date soon! It is rumored that the drama will air in fast speed, with 2 weeks to air all the episodes. The rumored date of the marathon is September 19th, 2015.

Good Time



Good Time with Wang Xiaochan, Xu Yajun, Zhou Tutu and Jun Hantong.

Xuan Feng Shi Yi Ren 旋风十一人


Also known as Go Goal! Fighting, this drama is hopefully going to air soon. It stars Hu Ge, his girlfriend Maggie Jiang (Jiang Shuying) and Zheng Li as well as many cutie pie newbies!

Another of his project is Disguiser (more about it soon!)


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